
Fringe TheatreFest is an Unincorporated Association.

statement of intent: Fringe TheatreFest celebrates North Devon as a creative hub by offering an annual event of small-scale theatre activity that is both affordable and accessible for audience and participants that is delivered by un-juried theatre companies and practitioners who are in receipt of the box office income they generate for their contribution to the festival programme.

The aims of Fringe TheatreFest are:

  • To provide an annual festival of theatre activity in North Devon
  • To promote a festival that will be an un-juried event
  • To endeavour that 100% of box office income is returned to the performers.
  • To minimise the physical and financial barriers for audiences and performers
  • To promote and develop the small scale theatre culture in North Devon

Membership is open to anyone who supports the aims of Fringe TheatreFest.

The Management Committee is elected by members at the Annual General Meeting.

The present (2022 / 23) Management Committee members are:

  • Lewis Andrews
  • Mark Ashmore
  • Sophie Brookes
  • Bill Buffery (co-director)
  • Peter Burford (Chair)
  • Jess Burford Redgrove (Secretary)
  • Nicola Cockell (Treasurer)
  • Jess Cox
  • Elliott Grant
  • Liz Hayton
  • Gill Nathanson (co-director)
  • Julie Whitton (Membership Secretary)
  • ex officio: Di Murray (Safeguarding Officer)

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