Restless Theatre



40 mins

Restless Theatre

Memories bind us together, but what happens when those links break down?

Caught between clearing her mother’s flat, and visits to the nursing home, Sarah finds herself in a world of fragmented memories. As her mother slips between lucidity and confusion, Sarah sorts through notebooks and photographs, catching tantalising glimpses of the mother she knew. Amongst these fragments, lost stories emerge as Sarah pieces together her mother’s early life in Birmingham and North Devon.

Encouraged by her friend Hetty sharing stories about her Bampa, Sarah starts to piece together lost stories about near misses during air raids in Birmingham and dance lessons in a room above a pub.

Based on autobiographical experiences, Fragments is a piece of new writing by Sarah McCourt and Hetty Elliott. Directed by Katie Bottoms who has bought her own lived autobiographical experiences to the project, it’s a bitter-sweet performance about losing a parent to Alzheimer’s and finding a way to remember her.

‘Grief can come before mourning. It’s an odd topsy-turvey of emotional navigation that’s eloquently captured in Fragments, from Restless Theatre.’ PRSD

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