Gender issues? Marriage difficulties? No counselling, no workshops, nothing - it’s the early1970’s. Meet Christine and Martin striving to save their marriage: sex games - laughter; talk - tears.
Sadly they would have made great friends.
2010’s, a chance meeting: can they sidestep recriminations? Forget some memories, cherish others? Live in the present and hope for the future?
Don’t miss this thoughtful insight into a turbulent but loving relationship as Pilot’s Thumb yet again explore a significant social issue with their trade mark pithy humour, organic characters and strong narrative.
"My partner and I had the pleasure of watching Yezno at the Creative Art School on Saturday. Thank you all for a wonderfully enthralling evening of acting and writing which captured both heart and mind- we really enjoyed the piece!”
"My parents called round this morning, I opened the front door and the first thing mother says is; 'I really think that's an award winning play, have you submitted it anywhere?' Both my parents have been in the entertainment industry for over 50 years, so take that as a huge compliment guys!!”
"Wow what a show. It made me laugh, several times, and almost made me cry. Absolutely bloody loved it. Thank you to all of you at Pilots Thumb. I'm looking forward to reading the reviews xx”
"The show on sat night was simply amazing and I can’t put it into words how good it was just that people HAVE to see it. People need to get to Barnstaple somehow... I laughed and cried and both me and my friend were totally Transfixed the entire way through!!!!!”
Further Info:
significant sexual reference but not visually explicit.