An exuberant and playful true-life storytelling show, a fairytale trip through the world of an unpaid carer and an invitation to a happier ever after.
An exuberant and playful true-life storytelling show
A one-person show that centres on a London Cab Driver and his first visit to Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club. A stylistic blend of movement, song and contemporary theatre.
A London Cab Driver visits Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club
Gabe is a perfectly average teenager, with perfectly average problems… except his best friends are God and the Devil. Teenage angst with two deities in tow?- gcse stress, if only!
Average teenage Gabe's best friends are God and the Devil
Who will win? The all-powerful lords of creation? Or a macaque with an attitude problem and a big stick? A tale of anarchy and enlightenment inspired by the legend of Sun Wukong.
A tale of anarchy and enlightenment inspired by the legend of Sun Wukong
Comedian and poet Rob Gee has won many poetry slams and now the audience chooses his set list. Peruse the menu, pick a poem and enjoy! ★★★★★ “Dr Seuss for adults!” Uptown Magazine
Peruse the menu, pick a poem and enjoy! ★★★★★ “Dr Seuss for adults!”